Friday, December 28, 2007
Results from 12/20/2007
Christmas 2007

We survived another Christmas. It was really great and so much fun with Mali. She would ooh and ahh as she opened presents and was very thankful. Mali got a lot of wonderful gifts. Among her favorites are her chair, pink fishing pole, trunk of dress up clothes, huge paper doll book, wooden frog from Thailand, Ratatouille DVD, stuffed bear, REI pink down vest, all her pink clothes, and princess pajamas. We are thankful for all that she got and blessed to receive so many wonderful things through love! One of my favorite memories this Christmas was hearing Mali sing "Joy to the World" after the Christmas Eve service. I'm so thankful for the seeds that are being planted in her heart for Jesus through our celebration of Christmas. Mali also took her first communion...oops, we just didn't want to make a scene by refusing her grape juice and a cracker! But I did explain to her that this is how we remember Jesus and what He did for us. I'm sure she doesn't get it, but I think God is probably okay with a 3 year old "doing this in remembrance of Him". One of many funny stories that happened was that some of Rory and Judy's friends came over and brought their new baby grandson. When the grandmother put him down, Mali said "is it baby Jesus?" I wonder what I can learn from her childlike anticipation and excitement over baby Jesus?! I've added some pictures of our Christmas celebrations to our website. Hope you enjoy looking through them. Merry Christmas for the last time this year, and Happy New Year!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Our Christmas tradition
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Another appointment
Another praise is that God has provided me friends. Yesterday two of the women that are in my BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) Group came over with their children and we had a little Christmas party. I was hesitant to attend BSF since I was in a new city, and my fear was this, that I would not meet any young moms if I were to go to BSF. Isn't God amazing, and He does know best! I have met new friends, young moms, through BSF. One of the moms even watched Mali for me while I went to the doctor. Mali also has a friend through this moms daughter. God has been faithful to care for me and bring me under His wing since our move to Amarillo. I certainly miss my friends in Lubbock and they will never be replaced, but after such a short time I can say that I have friends, I don't want to take that for granted.
Thank you again for your prayers!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
"We are designed to function poorly, to feel overwhelmed and alone apart from our relationship with Jesus. We are made to be lost without God."
Angela Thomas Guffey
from Tender Mercies for a Mothers' Soul (highly recommended this book)
Mali's 3 year portrait
Pediatrician Woes
I just felt like venting about this crazy ordeal! On the positive side, almost all Amarillo pedi's do have a separate sick and well waiting room! I'm sure only mothers, and mothers who have moved, can relate to this!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Results from 11/20/2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Doing Well
I am actually doing really well. God continues to bring healing to my body and soul. I have had a few minor health problems, but nothing major at all. We have survived the middle school football season. I can't believe that it is over. Amarillo High made it into the playoffs, so Eric is still some what busy with that. Life has been a little busy for us in the past few weeks. We spent last weekend in Woodward, OK for my step-brother Jordan's wedding. He married a wonderful girl, Chrissy, that really brings happiness to him. Mali also gained three new cousins that weekend, yippee for not being the only grandchild anymore!! Mali especially enjoys her girl cousin, Shayna who is 11. After surviving that weekend, we recovered all week and then headed to Lubbock on Wednesday for the opening of Chris and Megan's restaurant, Beef O' Brady's. It was so exciting to see their accomplishments. The food and atmosphere are great. So, if you are in the Lubbock area, check it on (4th and W. Loop). We also had Mali's 3 year old portraits made at the mall and visited with Zachy and Calyn while we were there. Mali literally screamed with joy when she saw her little friends. It really made me so happy to see her so full of joy. She really misses them. After recovering from that quick trip, we have been preparing for Mali's 3rd Birthday party. I'm in shock that my baby is 3!! Mali and I spent yesterday making a trial run of her Bumble bee shaped cake. It went pretty well. We are having her party on Sunday. I'm always amazed at how I prepare and prepare for her parties to give her exactly what I think she wants and then it is over so quickly!
One of the verses that I've been studying through BSF is Matthew 7:11 "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!" I am trying to meditate on this verse as I give my child good gifts.
Friday, October 26, 2007
I think it is official!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Results from 10/20/07
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Isaiah 61
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, 2 to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, 3 and provide for those who grieve in Zion-- to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.
Isaiah 61:1-3
Monday, October 15, 2007
On Mali
Thursday, October 4, 2007
A really great book
Chasing Fireflies: A Novel of Discovery
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Results from 9/20/07
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
So, are you still liking Amarillo?
Something that I feel like God has shown me about the length of the "process" I had to go through was that it might have actually been a blessing. I will try and explain this. I joined an online support group and have read different personal accounts of women with molar pregnancies. It seems that most of these women have D&C's immediately and have high hCG levels after the D&C. When their levels don't drop to <5, they have had to undergo chemo. So, I'm not sure, but I wonder if since I didn't receive treatment for a molar pregnancy immediately, my levels dropped (slowly) but at the time that I had the D&C my levels were low enough that it was completely taken care of with the surgery. God may have been protecting me from having to undergo chemo and all that entails. Just wanted to share that and hope my thoughts make sense. Thanks for all your prayers. I will keep you updated on my lab results, although at this point, I feel pretty safe saying that I'm in the clear. After three draws of "zero" the doctors consider me back to normal.
Monday, September 17, 2007
This week I'm doing better, maybe it is because life has just taken over, but I think that God is continuing to care for me and pull me through this difficult time. I don't seem to be struggling with not having another child when I want one, but instead taking every moment to enjoy the beautiful child I do have. My energy level isn't what I want, but instead of napping while Mali is down, I'm pushing on through and cleaning the house and completing much needed projects. I'm exhausted when Mali goes down at night...and that has been a battle all it's own. She's currently sleeping in the closet. And sleeping is used very lightly here. Nap has been a whole other battle as well. Do I really have the child that drops her nap before she turns 3? It wouldn't surprise me! Since I commented on how I'm getting so much done, I suppose I better get to work instead of blogging. Today and tomorrow are huge rivalry games between Bonham and Crockett and Amarillo High's homecoming is Friday (Against Odessa Permian, Friday Night Lights fame for those who don't know), so it promises to be a very busy week! Thanks for continued prayers and love!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Throughout their lives, most children go through difficult times, such as the divorce of their parents, trouble making friends, or adjusting to changes at school or home. Some children need more help than others to get through these times. If you or other adults in your child's life are concerned about your child's behavior, play therapy can help.
What is play therapy?
Play therapy is to children what counseling is to adults. Play therapy utilizes play, children's natural medium of expression, to help them express their feelings more easily through toys instead of words.
Play Therapy is the most appropriate method of treatment for children who are having difficulties coping with life situations. Though children lack the cognitive skills to express themselves with words, they are fluent in the language of play. Play therapy allows them to express themselves in the way in which they are most comfortable.
What's the difference between play therapy and playing with my child at home?
Play therapists are specifically trained to provide an environment of acceptance, empathy and understanding in the play therapy room. Play therapy is not the same thing as playing. Play therapy uses the child's natural tendency to "play out" their reactions to life situations, in the presence of a trained play therapist, to help the child feel accepted and understood and gain a sense of control or understanding of difficult situations.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Not smelling like fire
I also wanted to share a quote from the book (I will say again, you need to get this one!!):
Ecclesiastes 8:6 "For there is a proper time and procedure for every delight, when a man's trouble is heavy upon him."
When my life is burdensome and my heart is broken, I need to remember that there is a proper time and procedure for every delight. There will be a time when this trouble is gone. There will be times of laughter. In God's purposes, there will be a time when everything is turned upright again.
So if you have trouble that is heavy on you right now, know that it is all in the sovereign purposes of God. Change what you can change. Be wise. But in what you can't change, rest in the sovereignty of God.
Also, one of my very best friends shared this verse with me. I hope she doesn't mind that I shared it on the blog. It was so appropriate. I continue to be amazed at how scripture really is new every morning!
It made me think that God knows what we need, when we need it, and He is gracious to fulfill our desires with an "open hand". Hope that makes sense, but I guess the verse can speak for itself! "The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing." - Psalm 145:15-16On a much lighter note, football season at Bonham has begun. Eric won all four of his games in the past two days. A major cold front hit right before the 7th grade games on Monday and it has been perfect football weather ever since. We have had fun enjoying what we can enjoy and celebrating with Eric! So to add to my list of "likes" about Amarillo, the middle schools do not play at stadiums, just on the fields outside of the school, which makes life much easier with a 2 1/2 year old running around. I watched more of the games than I've watched since she was born (and maybe before that since I'm new and have no one to socialize with :) )
Friday, September 7, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
A little convicted
Isaiah 40:13-14
13 Who has understood the mind of the Lord, or instructed him as his counselor? 14 Whom did the Lord consult to enlighten him, and who taught him the right way? Who was it that taught him knowledge or showed him the path of understanding?
I so appreciate all of your prayers and love! I continue to need them, even though surgery is done! I'm ready to feel better and not have to live day to day or appointment to appointment. We'll get there though, I just have to keep trusting in what God is doing in my life. Speaking of, I think I really need to stop venting and get in the Word right now!:)
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
These are the lyrics to the song that was playing when I pulled up to the Cancer Center, so I had to share:
Cathedrals have tried in vain
To show the image of Your face.
But we are, by Your design,
The signature of divine.
We'll always sing Your name.
Forever and today.
Yahweh, Yahweh...
Great is Your glory when You go before me
Oh, we sing...
Holy, Holy...
Your ways are lovely. So high above me.
The fortunes of kings and queens
Are wasted chasing what we've seen.
Cause we are, by Your reprieve,
The beauty framed by Your suffering.
We'll always sing Your name.
Forever and today.
Take me, and pull me through.
Cause I can't move without You.
I won't leave You alone, You say.
It will be okay.
Chorus: (2x�s)
Ancient of Days...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Health wise I’m doing pretty good, my body is just trying to recover from the last few months plus surgery. However, the last few days have been harder emotionally to recover. I think that since I feel better physically I’ve had more time to focus on the emotional aspects of this diagnosis. It has really been hard to think that we can not even try to have another child for a year, which means that if that all works well, our children would be five years apart. Coming from a family studies/counseling background that really bothers me, and is something I would not ever have wanted. I spent a lot of my education studying birth order, and what that all means, and I never wanted an oldest child (totally irrational and impossible I know), and now it seems that I might have two oldest children, or two only children, yikes! There are also other reasons that it just makes me sad. I don’t want Mali to grow up spoiled and with all the attention. I so desired for her to have a close sibling relationship, because my relationship with Brandon is what got me through so much. In the back of my mind, I keep telling myself that God knows what is best, and even though my education, opinion, and intuition tell me this isn’t good, that God knows the truth and the big picture and what is truly good. But, I am struggling with this right now. The funny thing is, that I wasn’t sure I wanted another child, but I knew I didn’t want Mali to be an only child. I assumed I just needed to “suck it up” and have another child and that it would end up being wonderful, just like having Mali ended up being so wonderful. I feel a lot of guilt for not wanting children, and wonder if this is why we can’t have another one, but I’m also not real sure God works like that.
I really felt like I wanted to get this off my heart and write about it. It is a little personal, and that is hard for me to share, it makes me vulnerable-one thing I hate to be. But, that might just be part of God’s plan for me! Thank you again for all your prayers. I will post an update after my consultation tomorrow!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Making it really easy
A Life Well Lived
Also, here are 2 other quotes that I read yesterday:
“Whether you’re a believer or an atheist, you will royally mess up your life if you can’t trust God.”
“The chances are that if I asked you to list the things that have shaped your life, you would not name the mountaintop moments of success. Instead, you would list your times in valleys of hurt and pain when you were forced to rely on trust, prayer, and perseverance. Those are the times that shape you.”
I’m continuing to recover…thanks for your prayers. I’m just seeing how life can take such unexpected twists and turns and can change overnight. God is our constant and our Rock, and He doesn’t twist and turn, He’s always the same. That is why I can trust Him and turn to Him.
Friday, August 24, 2007
I'm continuing to recover, although each day is a challenge. I seem to count down the minutes until nap time and bedtime each day (right before each is the hardest part of my day). I did sleep last night without sleeping pills (yeah to that too). I had taken them the past few nights because I was so worried of not sleeping and having those weird dreams/thoughts that I had the night of my surgery. But everything was good, except being woken up multiple times by the dog that is supposed to be an outside dog but that is now inside at night!!! I'm finding I'm not quite as tough when I'm recovering from surgery.:)
I just wanted to again thank everyone that has sent me some sort of message and that is praying. I wish I had the time to personally write you each back, but know that I definitely acknowledge what you have sent and so appreciate it!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
The chest x-ray also came back good, so the molar pregnancy had not spread to my lungs. I will do follow up blood work (measuring my hCG) again next Thursday and a consultation with the oncologist on Friday to go over the results of the surgery and blood work. The hope is that since the molar pregnancy was removed that my hCG will return to zero. They will monitor my hCG for a year to make sure that the molar pregnancy doesn't return. And at that point if all is good, we can try to have another baby.
Well I just wanted to let everyone know what was going on. I better go and get some rest while Mali is napping. Thank you all so very much for your prayers, the food, the thoughts, and the love you have given our family as we go through this.
Monday, August 20, 2007
She made it!!!!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Today has been a hard day for me. I have not felt good at all and am just so worried about tomorrow's results. Actually, maybe anxious is the better word, because I do totally trust and believe that God is in control of this. I am scared. I have the praise and worship song with the words "you are good, you are good, and your love endures..." stuck in my head, so I keep reciting that over and over today. I'm always reciting Isaiah 41:10 in my head. It was my very first verse to memorize when I started having a relationship with Jesus (remember this one Carrie?). "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Do not be afraid!!! Even though I know all these things, it is hard to not fear. I so appreciate your love and prayers. We have had so many people that we don't even know love on us during this time, thank you!
Tonight my Dad and Terry came down to pick up Mali to take her to Dalhart for a few days. That was when it really hit me. It was so difficult to let her go and say good-bye to her, although I do not want her to have to be around and be exposed to what is going to happen to me. She is going to have so much more fun swimming and playing with her kitchen and terrorizing little dogs!:) Our house is extremely quiet now, but I am looking forward to this rest. Even though this was so difficult, after I cried all the way home, I did feel washed over with peace.
We will go to BSA tomorrow morning at 6:30am and wait around for my turn. Eric or Megan will be updating this blog when they take me to surgery and after the surgery is over, so keep checking it. Eric will be alone at the hospital for a long time, so please pray for him during that time. If only he enjoyed reading, he would get a lot done.
Karen Copeland's (Trook) Sunday School Class at Paramount Baptist is going to bring us food tomorrow evening and one of the coaches and his wife (we knew them from Levelland) will bring us food on Tuesday. Thank you so so much for loving us this way in a new town where we aren't plugged in yet!
I love you all dearly and treasure you. God has continued to provide for us and love on us. HE IS GOOD, HE IS GOOD....
So the praise is that my surgery will be before September 1st, that is so huge and it was a close call, but God again took care of us in this situation. The prayer request is that we will have coverage as I will have a lot of follow up stuff that needs to be done in the following month.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Enjoying Life
Many people have asked how I'm doing, and is my own tendency, I'm trying really hard to be strong and probably not really allowing myself to think about what is going on with me and my body. I'm very tired and am not sleeping well at all. Last night a lot of things hit me, and I'm feeling pretty scared about the surgery and what might happen. But I also know and believe that God is in control. As I finish this post, I want to share some more scripture that was given to me by a friend. Thank you again many times over for all that each of you is doing for our family right now!
Psalm 113
1 Praise the LORD. [a]
Praise, O servants of the LORD,
praise the name of the LORD.
2 Let the name of the LORD be praised,
both now and forevermore.
3 From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets,
the name of the LORD is to be praised.
4 The LORD is exalted over all the nations,
his glory above the heavens.
5 Who is like the LORD our God,
the One who sits enthroned on high,
6 who stoops down to look
on the heavens and the earth?
7 He raises the poor from the dust
and lifts the needy from the ash heap;
8 he seats them with princes,
with the princes of their people.
9 He settles the barren woman in her home
as a happy mother of children.
Praise the LORD.
Friday, August 17, 2007
My Savior, My God
I am not skilled to understand
What God has willed, what God has planned
I only know at his right hand
Stands one who is my savior
I take him at his word and deed
Christ died to save me this I read
And in my heart I find a need
For him to be my savior
That he would leave his place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange, so once did I
Before I knew my savior
My savior loves, my savior lives
My savior's always there for me
My God he was, my God he is
My God he's always gonna be
Yes, living, dying; let me bring
My strength, my solace from this spring
That he who lives to be my king
Once died to be my savior
That he would leave his place on high
And come for sinful man to die
You count it strange, so once did I
Before I knew my savior
My savior loves, my savior lives
My savior's always there for me
My God he was, My God he is
My God he's always gonna be
Update for today
Anyway, I will try and give a run down on what happened. It was a very busy day and I'm exhausted, plus Mali isn't taking a nap today since it is already 4pm.
The doctor told me that I was not in there because I had cancer, we are unsure of the exact state of the molar pregnancy at this point, but that it can act like cancer. He explained that it was a very complicated procedure with lots of possible risks. I had to sign a consent for a transfusion, as well as a consent to a hysterectomy if that was necessary. He explained that it may not be necessary but that he would not do the D&C unless I agreed to this. It was so hard to hear that. I really nearly lost it, but Eric reminded me that we do already have such a beautiful child. The doctor also explained that it is imperative that we not get pregnant again for one year as the molar pregnancy can come back and spread like cancer. He wanted to take me in this afternoon but since I had eaten he really couldn't. He then said since I've been running a mile everyday that he couldn't really say that it was an emergency to get me in tonight!:) After an exam and scheduling the D&C we went to the hospital to pre-register for my surgery. I had more labs drawn and a chest x-ray to make sure that the molar pregnancy has not spread to my lungs. I'm now ready to go (and I have a wrist band I get to wear all weekend until I'm admitted:)) Here are the important facts:
- I'm scheduled for a D&C at 1:30pm on Monday August 20th. However, they want me to go in at 6:30am to be ready at any time in case I can be moved up. I had experience with that with my induction with Mali.
- My potassium levels are low and so I have to take potassium supplements until my surgery and then they will re-draw Monday morning.
- First answered prayer (that we are aware of at least): I'm not anemic. I know this is so God because there is no way I shouldn't be as just 2 months ago I was.
I would ask you to pray for:
- My fear. I am scared about going completly under for the surgery and know it will hit me soon.
- Potassium levels to go up
- Surgery of course would go well and they would get everything out and that I wouldn't need chemo treatments
- That God would just protect my womb from any injury or from hysterectomy.
- That I would make it through this
- For Mali and my guilt at not being a good mom to her right now (I know that is probably totally irrational).
- For support and love to surround me physically. I need it. I'm trying to be so strong, but my moment will come. I need someone to be strong for me...but I do the strongest One is here for me!
- And all other ways you know to pray for this situation!
Yesterday after Eric finished in-service stuff he took me on a surprise trip to the DAWGS animal shelter to adopt a whippet (a dog I've always wanted) since we will not be able to have our own baby any time soon. Here name is Asa (like awesome) and means Hope in Nepali. We wanted to name her something that symbolizes what we are going through. Crazy, I know! So far she has been really, really good. I'm hoping to run with her once I recovery from all this.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
A Life Well Lived
I wish I could scan the entire chapter and post it, but I can’t. And what it has showed me and comforted me with is just amazing. I am amazed how God planned even this out that I read this book at just the right time. First you have to read Ecclesiastes 3:1-15. Here are some sentences from the chapter that I underlined; Nelson says that “God has a plan and does not waver from it. God is sovereign over everything. No evil action skirts his plan. No piece of the puzzle is left over at the end. If you don’t die from something unexpected, there will be a day you weep over some diagnosis. These things are all ordained. We cannot know what life will bring.” He then identifies four platforms that Solomon gives us in Ecc.3:11-15:
God’s plan is wise
God’s plan is mysterious
We cannot let what we cannot know destroy what we can enjoy
Rest in the sovereignty of God: God is in control. His plan is unchangeably perfect.
Hope this helps some of you too, and encourages you to go read this book!:)
"Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the Rock eternal." Isaiah 26:4
"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever. . . . " Deuteronomy 29:29
"He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. "Psalm 112:7
"Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure." Psalm 16:5
So knowing God's truth has helped. I think I am still numb and in shock. Some moments are really difficult, especially at night, but I'm trying to just take it one day at a time. Tonight I have another sonogram at BSA (the hospital) at 8:45pm so that the doctor can have records on file at the hospital. Tomorrow (Friday) I see the oncologist at 11:45 to make a plan and schedule the d/c. I will keep you all posted. Thank you so very much for praying and caring.
Prayer requests as I think of them
- That the molar pregnancy has not spread or become malignant
- That the d/c will go well:
- No long term problems with transfusion
- Easy recovery
- No bad reactions to anesthesia or going completely under
- That I will come out of anesthesia without any problems
- I will not loose much blood
- wisdom and precision for the oncologist that will perform the d/c
- kind & nurturing staff
- We just paid off all of our credit card debt this week and now have more debt headed our way, pray that God would ease that burden.
- Sleep for me and Eric
- We would place our trust in God and that His purposes would be accomplished through this (whatever they are)
- Mali would be okay. She has been to many appointments with me throughout this ordeal and yesterday acted out getting her blood drawn!:( (Play therapists you understand). I know its just part of life, but I want my daughter to be okay and healthy.
- Support; we just moved to a new town and are not surrounded by our closest friends. Although we do have family nearer.
- That my womb will be okay to have more children (we already have to wait 1 year from the time my hCG levels return to zero, which is one of the hardest things to hear right now.)
What is going on with me
"process" of this for the last almost three months. After we moved, I had
problems with getting a gynecologist to take care of me (for lack of a better term).
However, I thought that I had finished the process a few weeks ago and was
on the way to recovery. I checked back with my old doctor and finally got
my new doctor to see me today. The Amarillo doctor did labs and a sonogram
and exam and told me that I still had way too much tissue and grape size
clusters in my uterus. She said that these are signs of a molar pregnancy
and that the Lubbock doctors should have realized this back when my levels
were extremely high and there was no baby. So I'm posting this to ask you to
pray for my family as we deal with this news. A molar pregnancy is a form
of cancer, although not necessarily in the way that we think of cancer.
However, Friday I will go in to have an appointment with an oncologist who
will do a full cancer workup on me. He will also do my d/c (that should
have been done months ago). My Amarillo gyn told me that I will need a
transfusion after the surgery, so to be prepared for that, based on my blood
loss with the miscarriage, my history of blood loss with the c-section, and
the fact that d/c usually mean quite a bit of blood loss. Thank you all for
your prayers. I know and believe our God is a God that heals, and a God
that was not surprised by this, although I am trying to make sense of it all
at this point.
"For who can eat and who can have enjoyment without Him? For to a person
who is good in His sight He has given wisdom and knowledge and
joy..."Ecclesiastes 2:25-26a.
Thank you for your prayers during this time,