Monday, August 20, 2007

She made it!!!!

Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that Brie made it out of surgery. She did great. The actual surgery only took about 30-45 minutes. The doctor did say he got everthing and she had very minimal bleeding. She goes back in 2 weeks for labwork and they will check her HCG levels again. So there were no complications at all. She did have some trouble waking up from anesthesia. She has been nausous since she got out of surgery. She also had some cramping and they couldn't give her pain meds until she ate something. She kept it down long enough to get the pain meds then it all came back up. They finally gave her something different about 45 minutes ago and now she is finally sleeping. She is suppose to go home tonight, but we don't know what time yet. I am sure that Brie will keep you updated. I know she greatly appreciates your thoughts and prayers. She was suprised herself at how well everything went. Beth and Melissa suprised her by showing up this morning. They have been here all day and even went to Brie and Eric's house to clean so Brie wouldn't have to do it later. Please keep praying that she will have a speedy recovery. Thanks, Megan


  1. That is so great!!! Thanks for updating Brie's blog for everyone...what a great sister you are!!!!

  2. Praise God....from Him all blessings flow!
