Friday, August 17, 2007

Update for today

This morning I went to the oncologist at 11:15am. It was so so hard. I think I was shaking the whole time we were going through paperwork. Then they handed me a packet on treatment at the Cancer Center. Eric wouldn't let me read it though until after the appointment, because we are hopeful.
Anyway, I will try and give a run down on what happened. It was a very busy day and I'm exhausted, plus Mali isn't taking a nap today since it is already 4pm.
The doctor told me that I was not in there because I had cancer, we are unsure of the exact state of the molar pregnancy at this point, but that it can act like cancer. He explained that it was a very complicated procedure with lots of possible risks. I had to sign a consent for a transfusion, as well as a consent to a hysterectomy if that was necessary. He explained that it may not be necessary but that he would not do the D&C unless I agreed to this. It was so hard to hear that. I really nearly lost it, but Eric reminded me that we do already have such a beautiful child. The doctor also explained that it is imperative that we not get pregnant again for one year as the molar pregnancy can come back and spread like cancer. He wanted to take me in this afternoon but since I had eaten he really couldn't. He then said since I've been running a mile everyday that he couldn't really say that it was an emergency to get me in tonight!:) After an exam and scheduling the D&C we went to the hospital to pre-register for my surgery. I had more labs drawn and a chest x-ray to make sure that the molar pregnancy has not spread to my lungs. I'm now ready to go (and I have a wrist band I get to wear all weekend until I'm admitted:)) Here are the important facts:
  • I'm scheduled for a D&C at 1:30pm on Monday August 20th. However, they want me to go in at 6:30am to be ready at any time in case I can be moved up. I had experience with that with my induction with Mali.
  • My potassium levels are low and so I have to take potassium supplements until my surgery and then they will re-draw Monday morning.
  • First answered prayer (that we are aware of at least): I'm not anemic. I know this is so God because there is no way I shouldn't be as just 2 months ago I was.
Thank you ALL for your prayers, texts, emails, posts, comments, messages, words of encouragement, etc. It means so very much to me and God is using it to keep me going. I am completely at peace and feel assured of the outcome. I am very comfortable with my doctor and his staff.
I would ask you to pray for:
  • My fear. I am scared about going completly under for the surgery and know it will hit me soon.
  • Potassium levels to go up
  • Surgery of course would go well and they would get everything out and that I wouldn't need chemo treatments
  • That God would just protect my womb from any injury or from hysterectomy.
  • That I would make it through this
  • For Mali and my guilt at not being a good mom to her right now (I know that is probably totally irrational).
  • For support and love to surround me physically. I need it. I'm trying to be so strong, but my moment will come. I need someone to be strong for me...but I do the strongest One is here for me!
  • And all other ways you know to pray for this situation!
I pray that God is so glorified and his purposes completed because of this! Many of you have asked me to let you know what I need, honestly I don't know what I need. Let God lead you and obey Him as he shows you! That's the best I can say!:) Thank you all many many times over! I'm going to lie on the couch with my sweet daughter in my arms, listen to the thunder and rain and rest!

1 comment:

  1. i love your new dog!! And i love the name ;) totally fitting.
