Thursday, August 16, 2007

Prayer requests as I think of them

I would ask you guys to keep in mind the following prayers requests as you pray (BUT pray how GOD leads you as He is so much wiser in what I need):
  • That the molar pregnancy has not spread or become malignant
  • That the d/c will go well:
    • No long term problems with transfusion
    • Easy recovery
    • No bad reactions to anesthesia or going completely under
    • That I will come out of anesthesia without any problems
    • I will not loose much blood
    • wisdom and precision for the oncologist that will perform the d/c
    • kind & nurturing staff
  • We just paid off all of our credit card debt this week and now have more debt headed our way, pray that God would ease that burden.
  • Sleep for me and Eric
  • We would place our trust in God and that His purposes would be accomplished through this (whatever they are)
  • Mali would be okay. She has been to many appointments with me throughout this ordeal and yesterday acted out getting her blood drawn!:( (Play therapists you understand). I know its just part of life, but I want my daughter to be okay and healthy.
  • Support; we just moved to a new town and are not surrounded by our closest friends. Although we do have family nearer.
  • That my womb will be okay to have more children (we already have to wait 1 year from the time my hCG levels return to zero, which is one of the hardest things to hear right now.)
I think that is it! I so appreciate your prayers and do not take it lightly that you are doing so. Thank you for the amazing people that have already called me and prayed with me on the phone and those that have done so in private!!

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