Friday, December 21, 2007

Our Christmas tradition

Here are pictures of our own celebration of Christmas, yes we celebrated last night which is early. Eric and I have done this since we got married so that we could have our own time to start traditions, carry on traditions, and open our presents from each other, since we still celebrate Christmas Eve/Day with his parents and mine. So, we celebrated last night since we thought Eric was going to be gone tonight and then we will be in Dalhart this weekend. It was great. It was so fun to watch Mali because she would get so excited and say "oh thank you" or "this is great" or "this is my favorite". She was so expressive (imagine that) and fun. We laughed and had a good time. This year Eric and I didn't get each other presents and just did stockings for each other but it was still really fun. We got Mali 3 presents besides her stocking just like Baby Jesus got 3 presents. We ate Rosa's and some what watched "The Elf". Mali got a viewfinder, Leap Pad and Leap Pad Book, plus some really great stocking stuffers, and yes she did get candy but has done a great job brushing her teeth (also got new toothpaste and toothbrush) and limiting her candy intake. Eric got me some great girly things and shirts. I got Eric a really good pillow (best Wal-Mart had to offer) and some manly pampering product. Eric and I also received our Christmas gift from my parents...chairs to go with our big table. We are looking forward to only having one table in our kitchen and are so excited about our nice chairs. We have been using my table that I've had since 1999 that came from Alco! It has lasted a while surprisingly. We are planning on staining our chairs today so that it will be all ready! So enjoy the pictures!

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