Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas 2007

We survived another Christmas. It was really great and so much fun with Mali. She would ooh and ahh as she opened presents and was very thankful. Mali got a lot of wonderful gifts. Among her favorites are her chair, pink fishing pole, trunk of dress up clothes, huge paper doll book, wooden frog from Thailand, Ratatouille DVD, stuffed bear, REI pink down vest, all her pink clothes, and princess pajamas. We are thankful for all that she got and blessed to receive so many wonderful things through love! One of my favorite memories this Christmas was hearing Mali sing "Joy to the World" after the Christmas Eve service. I'm so thankful for the seeds that are being planted in her heart for Jesus through our celebration of Christmas. Mali also took her first communion...oops, we just didn't want to make a scene by refusing her grape juice and a cracker! But I did explain to her that this is how we remember Jesus and what He did for us. I'm sure she doesn't get it, but I think God is probably okay with a 3 year old "doing this in remembrance of Him". One of many funny stories that happened was that some of Rory and Judy's friends came over and brought their new baby grandson. When the grandmother put him down, Mali said "is it baby Jesus?" I wonder what I can learn from her childlike anticipation and excitement over baby Jesus?! I've added some pictures of our Christmas celebrations to our website. Hope you enjoy looking through them. Merry Christmas for the last time this year, and Happy New Year!

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