Wednesday, September 19, 2007

So, are you still liking Amarillo?

This was the question the doctor asked me today. Thankfully, we are able to laugh about it now, but my experience with being in Amarillo has been crazy...but very positive as I have received great care. Today was my last appointment for 3 months! I will go back every 3 months until I have reached 1 year from my levels dropping to < 5 (which was about 3 weeks ago). I will have my blood drawn today, and then once a month for a year as well. It feels good to be going to the doctor less and getting my blood drawn less. Especially when Mali keeps asking "Momma, are you going to have your blood drawn?" and acting that out.
Something that I feel like God has shown me about the length of the "process" I had to go through was that it might have actually been a blessing. I will try and explain this. I joined an online support group and have read different personal accounts of women with molar pregnancies. It seems that most of these women have D&C's immediately and have high hCG levels after the D&C. When their levels don't drop to <5, they have had to undergo chemo. So, I'm not sure, but I wonder if since I didn't receive treatment for a molar pregnancy immediately, my levels dropped (slowly) but at the time that I had the D&C my levels were low enough that it was completely taken care of with the surgery. God may have been protecting me from having to undergo chemo and all that entails. Just wanted to share that and hope my thoughts make sense. Thanks for all your prayers. I will keep you updated on my lab results, although at this point, I feel pretty safe saying that I'm in the clear. After three draws of "zero" the doctors consider me back to normal.

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