Saturday, May 29, 2010

All the pretty flowers

I love this time of year in the Dalhart countryside. Every meadow and hill seems to be covered in beautiful yellow flowers. They just blanket the ground and that is what makes it so pretty. So yesterday when Eric announced that we were going to Dalhart, I made sure to bring my camera in hopes of capturing pictures of the girls in the pretty yellow flowers. These patches of flowers hold a special place in my heart with memories of walks with my dad in them as a little girl to a photography "expedition" with Hisano (my roommate and the exchange student our family housed when I first moved to Dalhart). However, the girls were not thrilled about cooperating. Eleri wouldn't stay still and Mali was refusing to stand any where near an actual patch of flowers because of her recent encounter with a beautiful purple flower on top of a cactus. So, maybe next year???


  1. As always, I love your pictures, they are always so creative!

  2. your pictures are looking amazing...the beautiful subjects don't hurt!! :)

  3. Love it!!! I'm dying to take my kids out and take pictures of (Especially E) in the flowers.
