Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A giveaway

The intent of this blog is to keep everyone updated on our family and for me to be able to vent and share my journey through parenting. However, a fun aspect is that I've become a blog reviewer for a few Christian publishing companies. Today I received my latest book to review and guess what?? They sent me an extra copy to give away! I'm excited to give this book away because it sounds really good. I contemplated just giving it to my dad and Terry before their next trip to Israel, but thought I better follow the rules. So, to not leave you in any more suspense, the book is "The Heart Mender" by Andy Andrews. I'm excited to read this book because it is a historical fiction novel set in 1942 during WWII, but judging as Eleri has not been napping when I want her to, it may be a while before I can finish this book (or let alone start it). So to enter, leave a comment with your name and email address. You can get an extra point if you leave another comment telling me your favorite book! Dad and Terry leave comments and maybe you'll win!!!:) The giveaway will end on Friday...I've never done this before...its kind of exciting!
The Heart Mender by Andy Andrews


  1. This sounds like an intersting book. I actually think that I have read a fiction book some years back about this same topic. The most amazing part is how for the common good, the News media actually refrained from releasing a news item. I sure can not imagine that happening now. It will be intersting to read how he develops the plot.

  2. I'd better comment so that you have to draw a name. Although if I win, your dad can still have the book!

  3. I started reading it today...it is pretty good. I think they are planning on making a movie out of it and that is probably why the push for publicity. So far it is an interesting story. Thanks Dad and Beth for commenting!:) It does look like my Dad will win, but Beth you know you'll be able to borrow my copy any way!;)
