Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mother's Day Tea

Today was Mali's Mother's Day Tea. A sweet friend watched Eleri for me so that I could attend. When we arrived, Mali was waiting for me with a tissue paper rose corsage. It was so sweet! The teachers read a few books to us and then we were serenated by our preschoolers. I got lots of hugs and kisses. But I think the best part was having Mali sit on my lap. She didn't have to share my lap or arms or was all hers and that was a blessing! It was a sweet little day with my big girl. Mali made hand print place mats, a tissue paper pot of flowers, and a cookbook. The cookbook included a recipe from each mom and their child. My recipe was for Tomatillo Lime Salsa. Mali's recipe was Spaghetti and Meatballs. Her recipe called for the meatballs to be heated for 4 minutes at 900 degrees. It was funny to read!
Here is the video of warned...Mali is NOT as cute as she appears and does something disgusting!

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