Monday, May 3, 2010

15 month stats

Eleri's 15 month well check was today and she is currently sleeping off the effects of it...she got three shots and screamed and screamed over them. She even fell asleep in her high chair eating a popsicle afterwards! Eleri weighed 21lbs and was 30.5" long. (Mali weighed the same and was 1" taller at 15 months). She was good and healthy and I guess I don't need to be worried about her eating habits since her weight is below average and her height above average (tall and skinny according to our pediatrician). We discussed Eleri's escape from her crib and our pediatrician said it was time to move her out because if she's done it once, she'll do it again. YUCK!!! However, Eric and I will have to talk about that one before I'm ready to completely move her out! I'm just glad we didn't spend very much on A. a crib that has been recalled but is fixable with a small part that takes 2-3 weeks to arrive B. a crib that at 15 months old Eleri will have to vacate.

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