Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mali's getting married?????

Thursday night I was tucking Mali into bed and she was stalling. Out of no where she says "can I marry Parker?" I just responded, whenever you do get married just marry someone who loves Jesus as much as you do or more. Mali said "Parker does.". (just for a quick background, they were in preschool together. Some of you may know him as Mrs. Scarberry's grandson ). I'm not really sure I'm ready for Mali to enter the marrying/boyfriend phase. There is SO much more to life than boys. But I suppose Parker is a good choice. Although, I think he married at least Kenzie this year in pre-school. He is certainly a ladies man, that loves Jesus!!! Mali had also asked Eric earlier in the day if she could marry Parker, but I had not heard that!

Here is a picture of Parker, Mali and Hallie...he is pretty cute!:)

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