Thursday, June 4, 2009

A few of Eleri's favorite things

Here are a few of Eleri's favorite things recently:
Her feet
Putting her feet in her mouth
Her hands in her mouth
Her sister
Screaming (joyfully)
Eating, and fast!
Being held
Playing with toys, especially her babydoll, poodle and ball
Splashing in the bath
Smiling at everyone
Giving big smiles to Daddy
Her reflection
Kicking her feet like crazy

Not her favorite things:
Sleeping through the night
Napping for longer than 45 minutes at a time

And here is a video montage of her favorite things. We go tomorrow for her 4 month well check (finally) and shots! I will try and post about her stats.

1 comment:

  1. In the first pic I see Eric, but in the second pic I see Mali! But it looks like she has your hair, so I guess she is a good blend of all of you! Too cute!!
