Friday, June 5, 2009

Eleri's stats

Eleri had her 4 month well check today, and two shots, poor girl. She definitely screamed, but was soothed pretty easily! Eleri is healthy and great. We will go to see the cardiologist on June 22nd to check on her heart health.
She weighs 13 lbs 11 ounces
She is 24 1/4 inches tall
and her head circumference is 40cm

This puts her average for weight and above average (75th percentile) for height. She is as tall as an average 6 month old! Watch out Claire McCullough!:) I looked back at Mali's stats and Mali was a little heavier but same height, actually only 24 inches, but there is a margin for error.


  1. LOL! I was just thinking as I read, "Wow is only 1 in behind and less then a pound behind Claire...who is FIVE months older :)

  2. Wow, you guys make tall kids...future volleyball or basketball players? Or maybe models!!
