Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Go where God is at work

About a year ago we started attending Hillside Christian Church. We struggled a little with finding a church. Our
priority was a church that preached the Truth of God's Word...the Bible. I also did not want to miss out on being in a church where God was working and their was a passion for Him. Hillside was a great fit. So a year later, God has opened the door for a new Hillside campus to start in Dalhart! It is exciting, and so exciting to be a part of a church that God is working in. My Dad and Terry will begin attending and serving there (they are not starting this church, just being leaders). Robert Ledbetter is heading it up. Eventually they will be watching the same sermon we are hearing. It is Hillside....just in Dalhart. They wanted to reach all the unchurched people in Dalhart in a new way...NOT take people from churches they already attend. This church is trying to reach those that don't go to church anywhere. Now if we go to Dalhart we won't miss church!:)

Here is Robert's summary of why Hillside is bringing a campus and a new church to Dalhart.

"Well, I'm getting better at this.  I guess I would say that HD is a church that is defined by our passion for Jesus and reaching others more than any specific doctrine.  We believe much of what the majority of other churches here believe but we don't want what people know about us to be all caught up in a list of do's and don'ts.  We really would like to leave the politics out of church too.  Our mission is to love God as we lead others to grow with Him.  Pretty simple and straight forward.  We really want to have a contemporary style and stay casual so that anyone would feel at home with us.  We totally realize that loving God is all about grace, not about rules or being something we really aren't.  We all desperately need grace and we want to learn to show others grace without limit.  So that means we don't care what someone has done or what they are struggling with right now, God loves them and so we want to love them too. 
As far as why another church... well we hope to reach peole that it seems aren't being reached at all right now.  Did you know that less than 1/5 of Dalhart regularly goes to church anywhere.  In fact if you add up all the seats in all the churhes in Dalhart, you only have room for about 2000 people total.  Add to that how many places can you go in jeans and tee shirts and it be really okay.  It's not that we want to put any other church down, but we just aren't who they are.  We want every church to do well and be very successful, but we know we have to be who God has made us and we think there are others out there that we can reach just being us." 

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