Monday, June 29, 2009

Eleri is 5 months old!

I have completely lost track of how many weeks Eleri is, so I've decided that I will just count her months on the 29th of each month. So today, she is 5 months old! She is really such a joy, but has begun to show a little more of a dramatic side. Eleri loves to smile and laugh. She is ticklish on her chest and little feet. She is moving around by rolling and scooting. Every once and a while she gets a knee up and pushes, but she is not crawling yet, and I'm in NO hurry for her to be crawling. (Mali was crawling at this age). Eleri loves her toys and loves playing with her big sister. Mali doesn't have to be as careful now, so they roll around together and Eleri loves to lay on Mali's tummy. They laugh and laugh at each other. It is so fun to watch. However, there have been more injuries because of this, and Eleri cries and cries and cries each time, poor girl. Eleri also loves to blow raspberries and kick her legs like crazy. She also drools like crazy! Sometimes soaking her tops! She also has the cutest little nose and features. Eric does think she is starting to look more like me, I'm not so sure though. She has moved away from looking exactly like Mali's baby picture, but it may be that she just has a lot less hair than Mali had. Her night sleeping has finally improved. Just a week ago she was waking up so much from about 3-6am, but thankfully that has subsided. She has been sleeping through the night for the most part but waking at 5:30am. She will go back to sleep as long as she doesn't have a dirty diaper. Today though, she did get up at 6am. Naps are still not perfect like I would like, but that is okay as long as she is sleeping through the night. About a week ago, Eleri started screaming at us when she was upset. I tried to get a video of it. It is hilarious, but I don't seem to have much patience with it. Eric and I are a little worried what this means for her when she is 4, or 14. Mali at least never screamed like this! But, we also think she is learning a new level of loud from having big sister around.
We sure love both our girls and have so much joy watching Eleri grow and the sister relationship develop between the two girls.

Here is a 5 month video of Eleri playing with Mali, Jove and of her new "scream"


  1. Happy Five Month Birthday! She is just darling! I bet they get even harder once they start crawling and can get into things. I bet Mali is having more fun with her as she gets older. She looks like she's having such a blast with Eleri laying on her tummy. You girls are so beautiful!

  2. She is so cute and I love her hair with the little bow and hand band in it!
