Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What's in the Bible? Battle for the Promised Land

This was one of the more fun reviews I've been able to do on my blog.  We received a copy of the DVD What's in the Bible? Battle for the Promised Land to review as a family.  This is a DVD made by Phil Vischer (Veggietales fame and Jelly Telly). Mali and I watched it together and then Eleri caught the last part.  Mali was pretty entertained throughout the DVD.  She loved the songs and just the silliness of the DVD.  She did seem to loose some interest during the question/informative sessions with Vischer, but then the songs/puppets brought her interest back.
I enjoyed watching the DVD with Mali.  Mali thought that it was fun to watch and wants to watch more of them.  She has asked several times after our first viewing of the DVD to watch it again. Her favorite character in the series is the "kid in the van" although almost all of the characters made her laugh.  When I asked her what she learned she said "a lot" but narrowed it down to "not to bow down to fake God's".  This opened up time for us to talk about what fake gods were and that even though she doesn't have fake gods around her like the Israelites did that her toys and really anything that is more important than God is a fake god.  I shared with her some of my struggles with fake gods, like myself and even her! The What's in the Bible series are very factual and informative with some silliness thrown in.  Puppets are used to make the DVD interesting with songs and appearances by them Phil Vischer answers questions specific to the book of the Bible featured in that DVD.  This episode focused on Joshua, Judges and Ruth.  It was fun to learn with Mali because I have just recently studied Ruth myself.  Mali really engaged in the DVD and answered questions as the puppets and Vischer asked, such as "you've heard of Jericho?" Vischer addresses facts and questions that we all have as Christians, not just child like questions so it is relevant to the whole family.  These series would be great to watch during a family time or devotional time and I certainly don't feel guilty plugging in the DVD player in the car to let my children listen to absolute Truth and instruction in the Word of God. I think watching these DVDs is more informative than entertaining but that is the appeal to the whole family.  I really liked that this series doesn't just choose popular Bible stories to focus on but focuses on teaching the truth of each book of the Bible.  It is like going to bible study as a family! Vischer also includes interactive real life examples of how to apply what the DVD is teaching.  Like going into how we all sin! I really recommend this series to all of my friends and family.  I hope that we will be able to expand our collection in the future too.
Go to the What's in the Bible website  or Tyndale's website for more information on this series
And here is a little promo video to show you how fun this series really is:

Phil Vischer
And here is an exciting part about this review....I get to give away a certificate for this very same free DVD, What's in the Bible? Battle for the Promised Land.  Just leave a comment with your name and why you would like to win a certificate to get your family this DVD.  Giveaway will end on Friday at 8am.


  1. I am learning that we must think outside the box as we share the love of God. This sounds like a great way to do that and also great Christmas preset ideas.

  2. We have 1 and 2. I knew 3 was out, but I didn't realize we were that behind!! These are great - laughing while you learn - what can be better! I've actually used them with our homeschooling, so I definitely want to keep getting them.

  3. Anne Belk
    Brie, how fun that you're doing giveaways on your blog! I would like to get this DVD b/c I like the idea of a fun family devotional time. I also like your comment that they cover all books of the Bible, not just the fun stories.

  4. Brie - these DVDs seems like such a fun family resource. I'm always looking for good videos for our family video library!

  5. The twins check out the first two from our church library and watch them during room time. Calyn will randomly repeat something she learned from the dvd. I love that they learn without realizing that they are learning.

  6. Ummm...I've not heard of this until now :) Looks like fun and like you said, "guilt free" tv time!
