Thursday, October 14, 2010

20 weeks

#3 is 20 weeks in utero and we have the cute picture to prove it. It took a long time for the sonographer to get this cute of a 3D picture.  #3 kept hiding its face under its arm and then facing down all cuddled up.  #3 is on its way to being a cuddle-er.  #3 cooperated right away with moving like crazy so that Eric and I could get a peek of what gender would complete our family.  Sadly here is where I tell you that we are not making this public information! Sorry, you will have to wait for a while or maybe until delivery.  Eric would like some Dad glory in bringing out and announcing to the world "its a .....".  The appointment went wonderfully.  All of #3's measurements were great and looked super healthy.  #3 is 11 ounces right now and at this "age" Eleri was 9 ounces just to compare.  The appointment really was a great appointment and we are so thankful for another healthy baby.  We so trust that God has given us just the right children for our little family and look forward to the completion of it!  Mali did say that the baby looks like a baby monkey that is mad.  I have to agree that these 3D ultrasounds can be a little monkey like. Here is the best belly picture I could manage and you can't even really see it, but it has grown considerably since my last update.  I have gained 5lbs in the last month, so that is good.  And then, obviously, a 3D picture of sweet baby #3.  Please forgive the excessive use of #3 but I had to make very sure that I was not divulging the gender and have read and reread this post multiple times just to check myself.

1 comment:

  1. sweet...hope you're feeling semi-human!! half way there!! YAYYY!!!
