Favorite team |
Crazy Hat Day |
Occupation Day |
This past week was Red Ribbon Week at school. The first day was wear your sweats day. Day two was hat day and Mali chose to wear her safari hat from the zoo. She also got to take her giraffe with her because she had saved and earned enough hearts to bring a stuffed animal to school. Wednesday was wear your favorite team jersey. She told her daddy that the Sandies were her favorite team and that Daddy was her favorite player. So he got out his old high school football jersey and we made it work for her to wear. Thursday was Sandie day and she proudly wore her Sandies gear. Then Friday was dress as what you want to be when you grow up. Mali dressed up as a dentist because that is what she wants to be...or a vet. She brought a toothbrush and floss to school in her pocket and we made her a name tag. She said she wants to be a dentist so that she can make people's teeth white.
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