Sunday, October 10, 2010

PuMpKiN PAtCh 2010

Yesterday we went as a family to a new pumpkin patch.  We had hoped to go to Maxwell farms this year but after Mali's field trip decided to just go to an in town pre-picked pumpkin patch.  Eric picked the place and we joked that I still have issues trusting him even with pumpkin patches since I wanted to take good pictures too.  He did choose a really good one though.  We took pictures of the girls.  After snapping about half the pictures I realized I had my camera on automatic still instead of my preferred AV!!!  But I did actually remember to put my long lens on!  The girls were too cute and tolerated my picture taking.  We also left with pumpkins, a bail of hay and some corn stalks for an idea Eric had for our porch. After we ate dinner, we cleaned, sprayed and decorated our pumpkins and porch...with the help of the dogs.

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