Friday, October 15, 2010

Balloon Glow

Tonight for our girls night we decided to go to the balloon glow at the Discovery Center.  This morning, a hot air balloon actually took off from the Sleepyhollow school field and Eleri talked about it all day by saying “hot, balloon, Mali, school”.  It was too cute.  And then added, “balloon bye bye.” So they were both very excited to go to the balloon glow tonight.  The girls loved watching of the hot air balloons float just above the ground.  We sat perched on the hill watching it for about 20 minutes.  Mali kept asking to ride it and I told her that we couldn’t.  Well about 20 minutes later, I realized we could and she begged to get in line.  I could’ve shot myself because there were only about 5 families in what I then realized was the line when we got there.  We ended up waiting an hour but it was the easiest hour of waiting ever with the girls.  They ran around and we sat and just watched the balloon as they would blow hot air into it and take families a few feet off of the ground and come back.  Then the sun set and the wind started blowing.  We were so close to our turn but I thought we were going to be sent away, but we made it however we did have a random tag along questionable guy join our group.  Sadly, he is really the only that can be seen in our picture.  It was a little chaotic trying to get in the balloon holding Eleri, with Mali and being 5 months pregnant!!  But it was a neat experience.  Eleri got scared every time the “hot” came on and when we got out Mali said she didn’t like it because she thought her blankie and our whole family was going to catch on fire.  The family that traded picture taking duties with us just laughed when we were done. The mom and I just shook our heads at the things that we do for our kids that in the end weren’t even worth doing because everyone was miserable.  It just made me think so many times it is about just doing something and checking it off a list instead of experiencing it and enjoying it.  Who knows though, Mali might tell Eric how much fun she had.  And, Eleri didn’t stop saying “hot, hot” all night once we got home.  I thought it was a fun thing to do but the hanging out with a few of the other coaches wives that we missed out on for the balloon glow and eating ice cream sounded a little more relaxing. 

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