Saturday, October 30, 2010

Reveal Party

On Thursday night we had a "reveal" party to reveal to our family members the gender of #3. Eric and I decided that at this point it would be easier to just tell everyone, primarily because all of our family members were certain we were having a boy. We had asked everyone to bring a little gift to reveal to us what they thought we were having. My dad and Terry were in Peru, so I met them really quickly Tuesday morning and gave them cinnamon rolls with the frosting dyed blue. They also guessed that it was a boy. Thursday was our big day. Mali helped me make the cake which we dyed the inside blue but frosted pink just to throw everyone off. Kisha and Josh and Rory and Judy were all here. We had planned the party for earlier that day so that Brandon and Liza could make it but Eric's JV game was moved to out of town at the last minute so they could not make it. About 9:30 we finally had our "party". Megan and Chris were on FaceTime on my iPhone and Brandon and Liza were on speaker phone with The Gomez family present. I brought out the cake and I think gave them a little startle when it was pink but once they cut it open they saw the blue and were very excited. Everyone seems to be very excited that it was a boy. We were glad to be able to share this news with everyone and get to planning and stop catching myself from saying the gender...although I think I'm used to it now and still say "baby".

1 comment:

  1. A BOY!!!!!!!!! exciting! :)
