Thursday, October 28, 2010

We are having a.....

God has chosen to give us a baby boy to complete our little family!  I have been dying to share this news since we found out.  Tonight we had a reveal party for Eric's family and so it is now free to be public news.  My parents found out Tuesday before they left for Peru and I was able to share it with Brandon and Liza. It has taken me the last few weeks to really process what all these means.  We are starting from scratch...or rather starting from pink. I have lots of fears and worries but God has just shown me through studying Isaiah that what seems inevitable is not necessarily the outcome with God.  And, in these last few weeks of having to keep it a secret, I have really spent time talking with God about everything and it has been good for my soul!  I'm getting excited and have moved on to picking out boy names, boy bedding and boy clothes (the last two not so much fun compared to girl stuff).  I have also given away four huge tubs of baby girl clothes.  I spent lots of tears over those clothes too and just letting go of the babyhood of Mali and Eleri.  It was hard and I ended up just giving them all away without looking.  I did keep an outfit a piece of each of the girls.  However, I was able to really bless someone who is having her first girl after two boys!  So enjoy the news and maybe I blog more about my feelings in another post since this is secretly be posted at midnight!


  1. I love truth..God is much bigger then what we see as the inevitable. It's all about a faith journey! Welcome to the world of boys...potty talk, dirt, trains & cars!

  2. Which two outfits did you keep?

  3. I LOVE little boys!! You will always be his first love and no woman will ever love him more than you do!!! Congrats!!!

  4. Beth- I kept a flowered outfit that Mali wore in the hospital and then the polka dot and brown outfit we brought Eleri home in. I just had to stop looking!:( Its sad and I'm emotional!
    Brittany-Thanks for the positive-ness. I really hope to teach this boy to love another woman (his wife) more than me though! In fact, its one of my "goals".
