Saturday, October 16, 2010

Volleyball girls and Sandies and Sissies

I love that I'm finally feeling better and we can enjoy evenings outside playing (minus dodging the wasps), especially when we get to play volleyball together.  This night, Mali actually passed it right back to me two different times!  I loved how Eleri got her hands and stance ready too!

And, I tried to make this two different posts but when I uploaded the second set of video clips it just added it to the volleyball one, so here is that post:
Two things that I never wanted my children to "say":
1. A silly name for a pacifier.  I have also been very clear in saying pacifier to Eleri, no binky, no paci, just pacifier.  And, she started calling it "boppy" all on her own.
2. Sissy.  I'm not sure why, but I think its just that I'm not a fan of nicknames and want real names used. Eleri now calls Mali sissy.  This just started in about the last week.  If you try and correct her by saying sister or Mali she will say sissy.
Let this be a lesson in never saying never!
Here is another video of Eleri talking about her sissy and her Sandies!

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