Eric and I decided that this year we did not want to get Mali gifts but to give her a trip. There is something about turning 6 and the monument that it is that a big, fun trip felt right. We also will be combining the girls into one room and really don't need more toys, especially since Mali's toys are residing in the attic. So, last night we gave Mali her card and brochure to let her know that for her 6th birthday present she will be going to swim with a dolphin at Discovery Cove in Orlando, FL. She was pretty excited and so was her daddy. We can't wait to make these memories with her!
That is such a great idea!! We are thinking of doing less gifts and more trips too, especially for Christmas...all those toys that get played with for a month and then forgotten verses going somewhere all together and making new memories and experiences...it's a no brainer!!! Can't wait to see how her trip turns out!!