Monday, November 15, 2010

School update

I'm still so proud of Mali and how wonderful she is doing in school!  I wasn't sure if I really wanted to post her report card or not (and really I only scanned the back of it), but once again this is where I store our "memories" and now I have it documented for future photo album endeavors.  This was only the back page.  Mali is doing really great in school.  She can count to 49 and knows pretty much all but 4 sight words.  And, actually she seems to know those sight words when we work with her at home on them but during her "testing" either had some performance anxiety or was distracted or ready to play instead of test.
These are also Mali's drawings from school when they were talking about what they wanted to be.  Notice the top one and how she sounded out and spelled Dentist. I LOVE that she is learning, it is just amazing to me to see this little bitty baby transforming into such a grow up girl.

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