Monday, November 15, 2010

First Snow

Friday we woke up to our first snow of the season. Mali was a little sad to have to go to school.  I was torn about what to do about taking her to school...walk in the 4" of snow or leave 20 minutes early and park and walk her in. I ended up driving her and running in with her and a bundled up Eleri.  After Mali got home from school, we played outside together and built a snowman.  We were able to use some of the trick or treat goods to add features to our snowman.  When Eleri got up, I bundled her up and the sisters played together making more snow mounds and snow angels.  Eleri got tired of it pretty quick so we went in and had hot tea and fudge cookies together. Mali stayed outside and built a snowball fort (like the one of the game on the Wii). Then when she came in I made her tea and cookies.  It was a fun snow day.

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