Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We had a really great Thanksgiving again this year. This is really my favorite holiday. I think the location; the beauty, the simplicity, and the confinement have a lot to do with it. Our family, Brandon and Liza, and Granpa and Nana spent Thanksgiving at the cabin. The girls had such a great time coloring with Nana and playing with her. Mali and Eleri got lots of laughs and tickles (and tinkles) in with Grandpa. Mali was a huge help to Grandpa. She helped make breakfast each morning and even "helped" with the Christmas lights although I think that consisted of throwing a snowball in his face. They also went on a hunt for pinecones for Nana. I love seeing my girls getting to enjoy their grandparents. They sure love them all and we are so blessed when we get to spend time with everyone of them. Our Thanksgiving meal was really great. The guys fried a turkey again this year and we also had an extra smoked turkey from Chris. Liza and I inadvertently chose similar sides to make for our meal and I learned that next year I will coordinate in a lot more! We had lots of yummy desserts too.

cooking with Grandpa
Mali on Thanksgiving Day
Eleri on Thanksgiving Day
Eleri helping Liza snap green beans
The Fried Turkey
Playing with Grandpa

Enjoying the Christmas lights
Crazy Grandpa HIGH up on a tree

Decorating reindeer with Nana

I had major technical issues on adding pictures to this one!

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