Friday, November 19, 2010

Dentist Visit

Mali had her second dentist appointment yesterday. She did really great for the dentist and was so brave.  She told me that it hurt for a little bit and I asked her if she told them.  She said her mouth was full and I told her, "well you could probably just pat them and they would let you talk".  Mali said "I didn't want to interrupt them."  Mali ended up with one filling and one cap.  After the appointment while I was checking out, Mali started having a hard time and just started crying.  The receptionist helped me get her some tylenol.  They had warned me that when she came off the anesthesia she might get upset...and she did.  She probably screamed and cried for 30 minutes that her lip hurt.  I couldn't take her back to school in that a young, male substitute teacher no less.  So, we went to the Wendy's drive thru conveniently located across the street from the dentist and got her a Frosty and fries and then rented two movies from the Redbox.  After Eleri screamed and cried and refused to take her nap because her sister was at home went down for her nap, Mali and I cuddled on the couch and laughed at the movies together.  About 6, her tylenol wore off and she got a little cranky again and was in bed by 8.  Out of the blue, Mali did exclaim, "well I guess I really am my daddy's girl because I match him" (Eric has a crown or two as well.)  Mali also kept referring to it as her tooth ring.  Anything that makes the experience positive I guess, however I DO NOT want to pay for any more mouth jewelry for her. I've decided that when these teeth fall out, the tooth fairy will be bringing Mommy and Daddy reimbursement for them instead of giving Mali money.

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