Monday, November 8, 2010

Mondays with Mali

Today was a special day for us girls.  We took Mali lunch. Her favorite "lunchables" although she didn't really eat it. Then Mali begged and begged us to stay because of the "boys" that have been chasing her.  So Eleri and I stayed for recess.  Lots of the kindergarten girls loved Eleri.  They flocked to her and all walked with her.  Mali seemed to be a very proud big sister and said she wasn't upset at all that everyone wanted to play with Eleri.  It was pretty cute!  Best of all, Mali was not bothered at all by the boys and I got to watch the kids play.  I saw the "cheer" girls that Mali talks about doing cheers and Hannah Montanish dances on the playground, the "bad boys" running around chasing, the "good boys" from Mali's class (Jack, Titan and Greyson).  It was a beautiful day too!

1 comment:

  1. The kids in Z and C's class love Abby too. Some want to hug and kiss her so much that it becomes a big distraction. It makes me wonder if maybe the ones who are most fascniated don't have younger siblings.
