Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Break is never a Break

Our Spring Break has been filled with another yard project. Eric had a few soccer games over the break and graduate school homework, but mainly focused on a backyard project. We spent lots of family time outside. Eleri LOVES being outside and signs “yard” all day even when it is cold and she can’t understand that we just can’t go outside. Eric had Warren (have I ever mentioned that this is Eric's man crush???;)) at Coulter Gardens draw out some plans for our backyard. So, we spent time digging and pulling up the grass, spreading Back to Earth, and planting the few plants and tree that were in at Coulter Gardens. This also meant lots of time playing with Shank in the backyard. And, I have to say, after some attention and shock collar, Shank is doing a great job with the girls. (He was also neutered so that could be contributing). We’ve had a blast being outside, besides the sunburns for my fair skinned girls, and the moments of inattention stuck in the swing! I'm surprised at how much life is different for the second born. I allowed and dressed Eleri appropriately for play in the mud at 13 months old...and she loved it...and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I can really see how this can contribute to the second born's personality. I don't have a picture of the finished garden because it is currently covered in snow...crazy Panhandle weather!!!

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