Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Parent Teacher Conference

Yesterday, I had Mali's parent/teacher conference. It went really well. Mali is doing great in preschool and is right on track for kindergarten (even writing that gives me a lump in my throat). Her teacher did say that Mali is a teacher pleaser and wants to do the best on her projects, but is often distracted by wanting to get to start playing. She commented that Mali is not ever defiant but certainly has her opinions of how she should do things. I think the teacher said in about 10 different ways "Mali is strong willed". Mali is able to write all of her letters and needs to keep working on sight words, although she does know a few and is starting to notice God but said "Mommy God is only in the Bible because the Bible is Truth". We also need to work on a numbers a little more (my personal weakness). Mali's teacher did say that sometimes Mali rushes so that she can go play, but is able to do the work, it just might not look like it because she doesn't give her all of does not focus.

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