Monday, March 1, 2010

Get her out of my room

This is Mali's "Eleri's getting my stuff" face. Oh sharing is hard! Today has been one of those trying days of teaching my girls to share. I had a great friend share wisdom with me on how to teach the girls to share (she has 6 kids so she should know, right?) Anyway, they allow each kid to have a shelf that is "theirs". Whatever fits on that little shelf is that child's special toy and they don't have to share that, but everything else must be shared. If someone else is playing with it, you can't take it away, but as soon as they are done playing with it, that toy is free game. I'm really trying to work on this and have modify it a little to accommodate our family. But the gist of it is, if Eleri/Mali is playing with it, you need to wait, if Eleri/Mali put it down and is not playing with it, you can play with it regardless of whose it is or whose room it is in. Today, I've been telling Mali over and over again that sharing is hard but it is a way that Jesus is making her look more like Him. He is "pruning" her so that she can bear good fruit!

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