Monday, March 1, 2010

Eleri is 13 months

13 things at 13 months:
1. Eleri LOVES her shoes. She will bring them to me and have me put them on her. She doesn't want to take them off. Guess they were a good birthday gift!:)
2. Eleri is sleeping through the night close to 12 hours at night!!!! (Really this should be #1). She goes to bed at about 7:45 and sleeps until 7:30 or 8 each day, with a rare early wake up.
3. Eleri likes her pacifier. She refers to it as may-may. I don't know why, but we respond. We are trying to wean her from it, some what. I've some how lost all the pacifiers and she is using a 3-6month one right now. I'm wondering if that's a sign its time to put an end to it. I leave them in her crib for nap/bedtime but some how they still find their way out.
4. Eleri is taking one nap a day. She is still in transition mode, but her afternoon nap was difficult to get her to take so I'm working on one nap a day. She is still whiney in the morning but usually makes it to about 12 or falls asleep in the car from taking Mali to preschool.
5. Eleri loves to eat! After watching the girls, my dad commented that Eric will need a second job just to pay for Eleri's food.
6. Eleri is a daddy's girl. Mommy's milk is gone and she is ALL daddy's. Eleri whines for Eric to hold her each morning before he leaves and often wants to sit in Daddy's lap when he comes home.
7. Eleri has had WAY too many head injuries in her short life. I made a trip to the ER with her the Saturday before we left for Vancouver because of a HUGE lump she got from falling into the door. She was fine, thankfully, but the bruise and small knot still remain. And, she gets knocked down and hit in the head by Mali frequently, as in multiple times today.
8. Eleri is ornery. She is a fireball! Eleri has pinched, slapped in the face, bit, and hit me more than I remember Mali doing at this age...or maybe I just am short on patience this time around. At any rate, she is not (YET anyway), a sweet, passive little baby girl.
9. Eleri loves to run and dance. She is too cute when she runs and dances to Mali's songs.
10. Eleri loves outside. Unfortunately the weather doesn't always cooperate with this one, but Eleri will whine to go outside. She rarely is allowed in the backyard, but has enjoyed walking to the mailbox with me, playing in the grass outside, and playing at the soccer field.
11. Eleri loves balls and to throw balls. Going so far as to throw the elegant, key limes that resembled balls at my friend's wedding shower.
12. Eleri rarely gets the one on one attention from me that I gave to Mali. I can probably count on my fingers the times we have read a book together. This breaks my heart. But I also know that God chose her to be second and He knew all this!:) I can see that she is still smart and inquisitive, and that she loves to examine "things" on her own.
13. That being said, Eleri does not like to be alone. Eleri would prefer to be playing in Mali's room over playing in her own room with her own toys. Eleri loves Mali, even when its not reciprocated! I can not easily leave Eleri in her room alone to go do something else, she will follow me or go into Mali's room.

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