Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Not sure that is a word...but if it is...I'm feeling it!;) And what spurred this on? Thinking about this...


I loved Nancy Drew and read as many and maybe even all of the books that I could. Seeing this cover thrills me and reminds me of such simplicty of curling up with these books and reading and reading and reading! Life was just as hard then, in different ways, but these books are such a great memory. These books fueled my love of reading, my ability to spell and learn new words, my desire to learn, and my desire to solve problems. I loved guessing the ending, and prided myself on figuring it out before too many clues were given. And, I've realized that even though I'm not a detective or any thing else brilliant..I do like to solve problems...other people's problems as a counselor. ;) These books also remind me of special times curled up with my dad at the cabin, reading beside him and asking him the meaning of words. I remember summers and spring breaks curled up in my dad's truck/Bravada finishing books while he worked out at the pig farm. Or moments retelling the story with such excitement to my mom. I so look forward to the day when my girls will pull out their very first Nancy Drew. I so hope they love reading like I do!

And, adding to my sentimentality...does ANYONE read this blog? I'd love some love with a comment or two on any of my recent posts...just so I feeled loved or read!;)


  1. I read and I love you too! I am just horrible about commenting or comment in person. I also steal blog titles in my spare time. Is there any way to make the pictures on your blog bigger? I think it would be a good idea.

  2. ok, nevermind. i just looked back and realized that the pictures have been bigger lately. my eyes thank you.
