Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sara’s Wedding

We spent Friday and Saturday participating in Sara Giles’ wedding. Sara is a special special friend. I absolutely adore her and not only because we share the same birthday (she is MUCH younger). Sara and I met one year on Mission Trip and our friendship has continued through laughing in Randy Anderson’s Lifestyle class to meeting each week in our guest room doing a bible study and watching my big fat belly grow with sweet Mali inside. Sara then left for two years as a teacher in Guatemala. It has been thrilling to see Sara wait for God’s best and watch Him bring her together with Wes Goldwater. We had a fun time at the wedding. I’m SOOOO thankful for all the daddy duties Eric took on with Eleri so that Mali and I could be a part of the wedding. I was thrilled to be a bridesmaid and Mali was a flower girl with Naomi Jones’ little girl, Lainey. We got to enjoy the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner and then beautiful wedding and reception at the Watson Building in Lubbock. Sara was a beautiful bride and so sweet (as usual). We had lots of laughs, a few crisis and even a few tears as we all prayed over Sara and her marriage to Wes. It was a pretty cold day for all of us in our strapless dresses, but memories were made. Some of which were blow drying Sara’s wedding dress to get out the wrinkles, tripping the breaker and not being able to locate the breaker box, the flower girls applying Sara’s makeup to themselves while we were attending to Sara downstairs, the flower girls watching their petals blow up from the air vents on the floor, Eleri and Everrit dancing, and just spending time with friends. It was such an honor to be a part of!
And of course, we got to spend some time with the Dallas family. They joined us Friday afternoon to swim at our hotel. Beth and I actually got some talking in too!

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