Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Is it really that time of year?

New shoes....check
First homework assignment....check
Big Dr. Pepper for mommy....check
Today, Mali will start 5 year old preschool. She will go from 12:15 to 3:15pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Taking her to school in the afternoons will be an adjustment, but I'm probably at my worst in the afternoon so better for her to get some good, quality time and instruction. There will be seven other students in her class. I'm excited to see who she makes friends with and all that she learns. So far the only hang up with afternoon class is that I got her ready for the day and she has already tried to change two times, uugh! Anyway, here is a picture of our BIG girl (doesn't she look sooo grown up?) ready to go to five year old preschool! I will update how her first week went on Thursday or Friday!

1 comment:

  1. Amen to the big Dr. Pepper. That is what has gotten me through this week of fun and exciting first days!
