Today, Eleri is 7 months old! She is doing quite a lot! Last week, Eleri started pulling up and she has not stopped since. She loves to play on the trampoline by pulling up on it or sitting next to it and patting it and even has tried crawling over it! Anything and everything, including Daddy's head, has made for good resistance to get to her feet. Mali and Eleri are also beginning to be able to play together. Last week, Mali was playing with her Polly Pockets and Eleri kept "attacking" the Polly Pockets. I'm wondering how many Polly Pocket accessories this little girl will put in her mouth. It has been sweet to watch them play together. Eleri continues to adore her big sister and wants to be where Mali is. Eleri is also crawling all over the place and does not stay put for long. Eleri is still so sweet and happy,even despite her latest little sickness. We have had some issues at night and I woke up Friday morning ready to begin letting her cry it out at night, but then discovered her spots, so maybe in 2 weeks when she is better I will return to that. Honestly, I have been so tired that I just end up feeding her. I think Thursday night/morning she ate six times... ridiculous on both our parts! I know she doesn't need to eat during the night but it is an easy solution for this sleep deprived mommy, but the time has come to get tough. Eleri still is growling and making many people laugh! She has started babbling too and it is so sweet to hear! Eleri also survived her first week of football without any problem. She did great last night at the varsity game. We did get new toys down from the attic as Eleri has moved past simple entertainment. I can't believe she is slowly slipping away from the baby stage! She is still as sweet as can be and has blessed our lives tremendously. I'm so thankful for this sweet girl.
I couldn't get Eleri to hold still for pictures, so this is her at 7 months. Eleri weighed 16.73lbs at her appointment yesterday.
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