Monday, September 27, 2010

Riding on the Potty Train

At 18 months, Eleri really started to show interest in sitting on the potty.  I was doing pretty good at taking her and just letting her "play" at it.  But then I got sick.  The last few months she has showed zero interest and I have to admit I've felt way too bad to encourage it.  But last night, just as I was having these feelings of guilt at maybe "missing the window" she asked to sit on her potty seat during bath and what do you know?  She pooped!!!!  I gave her a candy corn for her success.  Then later she asked for candy and I said "if you got peepee or poopoo" so she went and sat on the potty and peed! I was so excited for her and gave her another candy corn.  Today she hasn't used the potty at all but I've asked her and offered candy which really has just caused some meltdowns because she wants the candy without going to the bathroom.  She seems to be just as strong willed as Mali and our plan is just to watch her signs and go with her and not push her.  Although the potty training

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Brie! Sounds like a perfect way of doing it! I think I may start early with Keira since she HATES having her diaper changed.
