Yesterday, Eric and I had Mali's parent teacher conference. It went really well. Mali was tested about a month ago and so her teacher said that she has probably improved a lot since then. To sum it up, I would say Mali is achieving at a B level. She was above average in most of her testing. And really this testing was more of a baseline for us and the teacher. We still LOVE her teacher and love that she loves Mali. Mrs. Von Netzer said that Mali really brings a balance to her classroom. I just know she is an answer to my specific prayers that Mali get a teacher that sees her strengths. Von Netzer (as the students call her) said that Mali really is great and that even her "little sass" is cute. She said this is really the only behavior issue they have but that she just looks at Mali and Mali changes the way she said whatever it was. Von Netzer said that Mali has several little boys that "like" Mali. Right now it is Jack and Trent. Jack's mom even came up to me yesterday and introduced herself because Jack talks so much about Mali and thought maybe we could have a play date. Umm, I'm thinking that won't be unchaperoned!;) Von Netzer also said that at rug time, all the kids are just surrounding Mali and that the whole class is sort of just drawn to her and her personality! I love this and am so proud of her and that we are able to see her strengths. This sounds a lot like her daddy to me! Mali seems to be learning sooo very much. She recognizes tons of sight words and comes home and asks for books to circle sight words in. She is also learning sentence structure like "finger space" between words. One of my very favorite things is that nearly every day she brings home a drawing that she made for me and usually of me and her. That really warms my heart and is just a reminder of the sweetness in her for her mommy. Today was Von Netzer's birthday. Mali helped me make a Chai Tea mix for her and decoupage a container for it for her. Mali also insisted on bringing her a football cupcake, because Von Netzer "likes" football because she is at the AHS games!;) It was a crazy day walking to school, in the rain, with all those things!!! I came home covered in green frosting, but Mali loved giving those sweet treats to her teacher. At 1pm, we went early and had a birthday party for her too. Really it must have been for the kids because they got the juice boxes and cupcakes!;) I loved watching the kids and Mrs. Von Netzer in "action". She really is wonderful and very gifted as a teacher. We love her! Mali loves her and nearly every day tells me how much she loves Kindergarten. I'm so thankful that Mrs. Von Netzer has set this awesome foundation for Mali! I don't ever want to move away from her or this school until all three kids have her!;)
(Mali drew this drawing this week. It is me in the hospital after having the baby. My IV and fluids are to my right. Mali is behind the baby. She made sure to point out it was just me, her and the new baby and not Eleri).
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