Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Queen of the Day Addendum

We got Mali's Queen of the Day book today. She was so excited to show it to me that she got dressed up in the same outfit she wore that day and had me close my eyes. The book clarified what Queen of the Day entailed as well. "My new friends interviewed me to get to know me. I also got to be Mrs. Von Netzer's helper all day. This book has my interview, self-portrait, and all the pictures my friends drew of me. I hope you like it."
This is the response of Mali's interview:
Queen Mali
I have 3 dogs but I wish I had a cat. I love my blanket. I have a baby sister and maybe a baby brother. I like donuts. I love to go to the cabin. My favorite color is pink.

I was pretty surprised by the baby brother part but not the rest! I LOVE this sweet girl that knows what she wants and what she loves! Mali's favorite picture drawn of her was by her teacher. I had fun looking at all the drawings of Mali and putting my play therapist hat on as I looked at them. It made me wish I knew the other kids a little better. The most surprising one was by the boy that Mali says in mean and gets his clipped moved down a lot. His drawing was great and probably the best one. There were a few interesting ones. I never anticipated this aspect of my therapist and mom hat clashing. Artwork is SO subjective so I can't exactly interpret exactly what the child means by it all without knowing them, but it was though provoking.

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