Thursday, September 23, 2010

Family Fun Time

Last Friday, Josh and Kisha surprised us with a visit home. They showed up with Rory and Judy Friday morning for the AHS pep rally. The Gomez family took Eleri to the pep rally and I went and took Mali out of school for the pep rally and met them there. I have to admit, I felt a little guilty taking her out of school, but there WERE too other parents there taking their kids out too for the pep rally. After the pep rally, I took Mali back to school and met everyone else for lunch at Rosa's. Eleri and I came back to the house and enjoyed reading books and resting while our house got cleaned. We were so blessed to have Kisha and Josh pay for a house cleaner to come help us! Thank you guys SO much. After school, Mali and Eleri got to hang out with Mimi, Papa, Josh and Kisha outside in the front yard sans chairs of course. They bought items from her fundraising for school and just had fun watching the girls go crazy. The guys mowed and did some yardwork for Eric. After hanging out, we all went to Blue Sky to eat and met Eric's grandparents there. It was Homecoming week and so we headed to the game a little early. The guys got to watch pre-game and everyone entertained Mali and Eleri. One of Eric's cousins, Mario, and his wife Destiny and their two boys came with us to the game too. We had a full section of Gomez/Hopsons. It was really great. Eleri was back and forth the whole game and I was so glad to have all the help. All she wanted was Papa and I think all Papa wanted was to watch the game. Mali sat with Kisha most of the time. The girls and I made it to the third quarter and we were winning 14-0 and beating Midland High who was 3-0. By the time I got home, got the girls to bed and crawled in bed and turned on the TV we were loosing 21-14. We ended up loosing 28-21 in a very sad loss. After Eric got off work on Saturday, we drove to Dalhart to get some extra time with Josh and Kisha. The girls played and played and then Mimi made a big meal and everyone some what watched the sad Tech game. The girls and I left and headed to bed before the game was over, but not before Mali made some more sales to Nana and Aunt Megan!;)
Of course I have NO pictures. I completely blame it on not having my camera out because of the house cleaning and being so yuck with this pregnancy. I hate that I missed the opportunity to take pictures with Kisha and Josh and the girls!!

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