Friday, August 27, 2010
Weekly Wrap Up
Mali has finished one entire week of public school. It certainly has been an adjustment, but we are all super happy with how well it is going. I really love Mali's teacher and just the way she seems to really be invested in and loving on this class of kids. You can just see that she is genuinely good teacher that loves what she does. Every day Mali has come home with something new she is has learned, even if it is a song or a saying, I love to know that she is learning! I've really enjoyed being able to walk Mali to and from school. It is a huge blessing to live this close to the school and I'm so thankful that three years ago, God provided us this house in such a perfect location next to a wonderful elementary school. The second day of school it was a little drizzle-y and we started walking to school and ended up walking in a little more of a drizzle the closer we got to school. It was just another adventure. Getting ready hasn't been as wonderful as it was the first day, but it hasn't been that horrible either. We are all pretty tired though. Every day about 4:00 Mali seems to go downhill and have some sort of a meltdown. Wednesday she actually ended up falling asleep in her room and sleeping until 6:30. Mali had one bad day where she was pushed down on the playground and landed hands first in a pile of stickers. It broke my heart to see her little hands full of little thorns when she came home. We still don't know the whole story but it seems that Mali may have provoked the pushing and that her teacher wasn't even aware of the thorns in her hand. That made me for a bad night of crying that she didn't want to go back to school and because "we don't learn about God and that's the most important thing", which again broke my heart. We talked about all the things that she learned about and how God created those things so she DID learn about God. We talked about how nature "testifies" to God. The rest of the week has gone great. Mali loves the funny story about Hermie the Worm that her teacher tells and has started saying "kiss your brain" and kissing her head and touching it to her head when her or Eleri do a good job. It is really funny! Have I said I love this teacher yet? Mali does a great job of going in each morning, putting her backpack in her "locker", signing in, moving her name to bringing a lunch, and giving her folder to her teacher. Mali seems to be making friends and points to the girls that she plays with even though she doesn't' always remember their names. The second day of school, Haley (a girl that went to BSF with Mali for a little while) brought Mali a cross stretchy bracelet and gave it to her. Her mom told us that Haley wanted Mali and her to remember to stand for Jesus at school. This same little girl also wanted to bring a New Testament to give to the teacher so she could read it out loud during story time! I've spent this summer just praying for godly friends and influences for Mali. I love how God answers my prayers so specifically! I'm not sure Mali and Haley play every day together but it was an encouragement. Mali is also noticing the things that she has in common with the other girls in her class. She told me that the boys are always crazy and don't obey but the girls are good. And speaking of boys, yesterday at drop off this boy in her class said "can I come over?" It was a little awkward and on the spot. I just told him he needed to ask his mommy or daddy first. Mali told me she had invited him to come over and get toys because he is mean and she decided to be nice to him. I'm not sure and probably shouldn't judge, but he is a little bigger than the others so I wonder if he is a little older and maybe not mean but just older. Mali also really enjoyed one day of playing with her friend Carson on the playground (He is in another class) and that when she fell down he asked if she was okay. There are no more nerves and even though some mornings have been hard, Mali seems to really enjoy it. I asked her teacher at pick up today how Mali did this week and she said "she did really great!" That made me so proud, because I know how really great Mali is!!!! Mali also did so good on her behavior chart this week that she got to pick out something from the treasure chest. She chose a jump rope. They also had a birthday party today and got juice boxes and cupcakes...sounds like a great way to end a great week. She deserved it! We are looking forward to resting this weekend.

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