Monday, August 23, 2010

Summary of Day 1

I just picked Mali up from her first day! It was exciting to watch her walk out of the building and smile at me. I was also relieved that I was not the only parent with my camera! It was nice (but hot) to walk home with Mali. School lets out right during Eleri's nap so I just took the monitor with me and went and picked up Mali. Her teacher said that she did really great. They were very organized with pick up and brought the kids out by classroom and lined them up so that we can either pick them up in our car or in person. On the way home, we talked about school. Of course I asked what her favorite part was and she said "really nothing". In typical Mali style she said "do you want to know my not favorite part?" She said that there was a mean boy that pushed down what the kids were building. She then said her favorite part was her new friend Halee. She also told me that they read The Kissing Hand. She was really excited because this morning I had drawn a heart on her hand and kissed it just like in The Kissing Hand. She said she was excited to show her teacher she already had it! Mali also said it made her sad when they read that book and that she didn't cry but her throat felt like it was chocking. That is really all that Mali has told me and is already playing all by herself. We all survived and did great!

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