Saturday, August 21, 2010

Meet and Greet

Mali had teacher meet and greet on Thursday also. We took her school supplies into the classroom and then she sorted them. She really was even more excited and told me she can't wait to go to kindergarten. All weekend she has been counting down the days while I'm trying to hang on to them. Grammie went with us and took lots of pictures. Eleri cooperated in her stroller while we sorted and then took a little tour of the school. We saw Mali's "locker", the girls bathroom, cafeteria, and library. Then we made a little stop to visit Mrs. Thiessen (Coach Thiessen's wife) who teaches 3rd grade. Mali was very excited to see her. Mrs. Thiessen told Mali that she can come down and visit her anytime, which I had to clarify once we left! I am glad to know she has another adult at the school that cares about her. I'm still so excited about her teacher who gave her a hug on the way out. Her teacher still is having trouble pronouncing her name, but we knew this day was coming. It will just make Mali "tough minded" as her daddy would say. I've also realized my error in not having Mali take a picture with her teacher, and I think tomorrow may be a little too crazy for a photo opp. We stopped for PTA snowcones and so I could turn in my PTA form (I signed up for classroom helper under the premise of any amount of time is not too small). We actually have ended up knowing a lot of parents and kids that will attend Sleepyhollow this year. And whether we want it to be here or not, I'm headed to Mali's room to pick out her first day of school outfit! HERE WE GO.......

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