Monday, August 9, 2010

And you did it again?

In a nutshell, this is what I've been asked many times today. It goes like this, "I'm so sorry you're sick, is this your first? Were you sick with the others? (and implied) And you did it again?"My pregnancy drama has continued. About 1.5 weeks ago my OB prescribed Zofran and I was so excited about it helping and curing my all day sickness. It seemed to decrease my episodes some but I was still sick and it took about an hour to start working and was wearing off about 1-2 hours before I could take my next dose. During those times, I was getting pretty sick. On Friday I called my nurse back and asked what we could do. I'm not so sure how worse it is this pregnancy, but it has its moments, but its harder this time. Having a very active 18 month old and active 5 year old just takes it out of me and I'm not willing to sacrifice them any longer if medicine can help me. The nurse wanted me to go through the weekend and see if taking an acid blocker helped at all. I took prevacid and my episodes actually got worse. I couldn't keep anything down all weekend; water, food...nothing. It was a difficult and hard weekend. My own cure has been to not eat or drink at all. I know, I know its not good for the baby or me but at this point it was easier than spending my whole day with my head in the toilet and Eleri and Mali banging on the bathroom door or running out the front door naked. I was barely above functioning and survival. Friday my nurse had said that depending on how the weekend went we could do a zofran pump or IV if I was dehydrated. I had made some possible plans for the girls depending on what needed to happen. So as soon as the office opened I called in today to say that it was worse. I had lab work drawn and spent all day waiting on phone calls. Around 11am, the IV solutions lady, Holly called me back. She made my day! She was so wonderful and understanding and actually advocating for me. They were still waiting on my insurance to approve the pump. I was hoping for an IV just so that I would get over the hump and start feeling better. In the end, my doctor (whom Holly labeled as very conservative) just ordered the pump with IV if I continued to loose weight. Speaking of, the nurse needed my accurate weight. We don't own a scale here because I don't want to fall in the trap of always weighing myself or sending that message to my girls, and the nurse didn't have a scale, so Eric scrambled to find batteries so that I could weight myself with the Wii. I've lost about 8lbs since I found out I was pregnant. Anyway, Holly came over and brought me all the supplies and the lovely pump in a very nice fanny pack that Rory would be proud of! (its a joke Rory) She was awesome to me and answered all my questions above and beyond. As she was pulling up, I had a friend that was coming to pick Mali up to swim and it ended up that my friend's (who has older kids) daughter's best friend is Holly's daughter! It was a fun God connection to experience today. They are close family friends. Then when they dropped Mali off, Holly's daughter was with them. Also, Holly's son plays football for Eric. Finally about 5:30, the home health nurse came and hooked me. She wasn't sure how to do it, so she called Holly (who also lives by use) who showed up at our house 5 minutes later and walked the nurse through it. It is a catheter port that is stuck into a site on my leg and then the port runs to the lovely machine (in the fanny pack) that administers .5mL of zofran every hour on a constant basis. This is what is supposed to be better is the constant flow of medicine. Holly assured me several times that this was ok and safe for the baby. So here's to another week of hopefulness that I will get better. The only downside is the expense. We have to meet our deductible before our insurance starts covering. Thankfully through my good health I've knocked my deductible down $500, but lets just say, I will meet my deductible in about 12 days. I suppose it all evens out with the delivery and I"m already trying to think of all my doctor appointments I can get in since my deductible will be met. Eric also insists that this means that getting my "tubes tied" will be free and I'm obligated now. So, here is to feeling better and being a good mommy and good wife again. I'm so thankful for the people God has used to love on us during this time. I have awesome friends that are willing to drive from Lubbock to get the girls even though their family just had the stomach bug, an amazing sister in law that is willing to do whatever she can for me, parents willing to come down and help, a husband who proudly spent $23 at Wal-Mart buying me snacks and pedialyte to nurse me back to health, and friends willing to take my girls swimming. Lovely, high quality pictures...I know!


  1. How are you today? Tara did say that once she had the IV that she felt like a new woman. So you might keep that in mind if you can't catch up.

  2. oh no! I'm soooo sorry. That fanny pack will help! And I agree about the iv. I'm praying you're feeling better. Wish I could help...but open paint cans and uncovered sockets are not so great for kids. Your or mine. :) love u and praying!

  3. I am praying for you, love your family blog!
