Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Update in pictures

  • Shank is a mess...but Eric still loves him
  • Eleri watched her first Texas Tech game and sported her cheerleading uniform
  • Mali is witty and picks up on things quickly...this is her $5 foot long pose (latest saying, "Mom we must be on dial up because we can't watch the pictures", and Mali spanked another little girl, I asked her why and she replied "The Holy Spirit told me to" just a few of her funny comments.)
  • Mali enjoys feeding Eleri her baby food, of which Eleri will ONLY eat the homemade baby food.
  • Eleri is on the move...everywhere and into everything! We've had many head bumps and cries
  • Mali loves to go play with Eleri when Eleri gets up but does not like when Daddy puts her in Eleri's crib
  • The girls and I visited Grandma Laverne last time we were in Dalhart. Mali picked her strawberries and pet Miss Kitty.
  • Eleri is eating puffs now!

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