My plan had been to post about Eleri's 8 month milestones yesterday, however our day took quite a different turn yesterday. So here is her update today.
Eleri weighs about 19lbs right now and has the super, chunky thighs to prove it. I love her squishy legs! On that note, she still does not eat much baby food. In fact, she won't even take a bite of commercial baby food. She will eat the homemade baby food, but still not much. Part of it is my fault. I often forget to offer her baby food or frankly I just choose not to give it to her because it is more of a hassle. Poor poor second borns. But, she is nursing great. I'm so blessed to be able to give her the best nutrition she can have.
Eleri's sleep has not been great. Up multiple times at night and then sometimes up for hours not wanting to go back to sleep. However, last night she slept through the night for the first time in months (literally). God knew that I needed that! She is down to three naps now; a morning, after lunch and then one around 4. Poor Eleri rarely gets that nap though because the girls are going to work with me.
Developmentally, Eleri is doing great. She is all over the place! Eleri is getting even better at pulling up and not falling. She wants to be on her feet and won't bend her knees when I try and put her down. Eleri can also clap now. She also makes a little grunt sound to try and get attention from everyone, including the dogs. Eleri loves the dogs and will crawl all the way to the door if it is open and pull up to watch them outside. Eleri still loves playing with Mali. She is starting to get into Mali's toys and it doesn't make Mali happy. Mali told her "one toy at a time Eleri!!!"
Everyone comments on Eleri's red tinted hair. She is getting more and more of it.
She is still sweet as can be and wonderful!!!
So sweet, it's amazing to me how God makes us all so different, and so similar. Addison is 4 days older and still can't crawl, doesn't have any teeth...but wakes up just like Eleri, and naps the same as well. How fun they are, too bad we weren't close for them to play and grow and learn together.