Monday, September 28, 2009

Pumpkin Patch 2009

This morning we ventured to the small Pumpkin Patch in town to take our annual Pumpkin Patch Pictures!!! It was fun and perfect weather. The only bad thing was that Mali wouldn't take a picture with Eleri! And, for some reason Eleri had crazy hair and her tongue sticking out in each picture. So, not the best pictures of my children...but memories! Aren't children wonderful? I LOVE getting to do this with my girls and enjoy the simplicity of nature and life. Yes, I did make a small purchase to decorate and for Mali to paint a pumpkin, but hopefully we're making memories!


  1. I love the one of eleri standing next to the pumpkin, too cute!!

  2. Those are darling, I know what you mean about wanting perfect pictures, but at least we're making memories!
