Mali's second week of preschool has gone well. I'm still not sure what she is learning but I do know that they have music on Wednesdays. She is also learning to write her name in lower case in preparation for kindergarten. I also think they are learning about emotions or feelings because she has been working on drawing smiley faces and mad faces. Each day when they come in, they work on something in their journals. On the social development side, Mali has found a new boyfriend named Parker. Her obsession with it is really bothering me. Yesterday she wanted to come home and make him a drawing and then this morning worked all day on making a picture for him. He is not in her class, but is in the 4 year old afternoon class and their classes play together in the afternoon. To make matters worse, he is the younger brother of one of Eric's soccer boys! Here is her latest artwork! The first picture is a drawing of Adam and Eve and the bad apple, which she actually drew for some one that may not have a relationship with Jesus.

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